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Posted by Paul (in NY) on Thursday, August 13, 2009 at 10:35:35 :

In Reply to: Couple Thoughts posted by Paul (in NY) on Thursday, August 13, 2009 at 10:27:28 :

The picture shows the Helitool, 2 piece mounts and the location where they bolt to the frame. Later Helitool changed to a 1 piece front mount, but still retained the same frame mount point. So with this in mind, your engine can not be located wrong, fore/aft.

Since your running power steering and air conditioning being driven with 3 groove/belt pulleys, the 3 belt pulleys are longer that the normal 2 belt pulley. Your fan mounts on the front of the water pump pulley. Being a 3 belt pulley, this will push your fan closer to the radiator. This is probably the answer why you have Fan/Radiator clearance issues.

Hold a 2 belt pulley alongside the 3 belt pulley on the water pump. I bet you will see you would have fan/radiator clearance. I think the AC is what messed up the clearance.

If so, go with the pusher fan, as large as you can fit, you will probably be fine.


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