Posted by David Sherman on Friday, July 10, 2009 at 01:42:03 :
We're back to using both trolleys for the mine tour this summer, and the old one is having a hard time accelerating. If you open the throttle the least bit fast it dies. The two obvious causes are accelerator pump in the carburetor not working and vacuum advance not working. This has always been a bit of a problem, but it's gotten worse. I did a very quick check of both between runs today. When I open the throttle quickly, gas squirts into the carb. I don't know if it's the right amount (seems a little light to me) but some squirts. When I suck on the hose to the vacuum advance, it holds a vacuum, so the diaphragm isn't leaking. I don't know if it's actually advancing/retarding the spark, though. I'm not sure if this distributor has a centrifugal advance, but that shouldn't have anything to do with it stalling on acceleration. The motor's a slant 6 (Dodge content), but I've always had doubts about whether the carburetor is the correct one for it. It had a non-electric automatic choke but I took it off a couple years ago when some small piece fell off and got lost, and what was left slipped into a position that jammed the throttle open. I figured no choke is better than a stuck-open throttle. It only gets used in the summer and once it's warmed up in the morning it stays warm enough to start fine for the rest of the day.
Anyway, before I really dig into it (e.g. take apart the distributor or the carburetor), I thought I'd ask here what you think is the likeliest culprit for stalling under acceleration with that setup. We're not talking about slow acceleration here -- it flat-out stalls.
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