Posted by RSBuc (in Toronto) on Tuesday, June 30, 2009 at 09:57:09 :
In Reply to: Rick where did you posted by copey on Monday, June 29, 2009 at 18:39:13 :
I've had the 1950 Fargo FFPW for quite awhile (late 2006), i got it shortly after i found my first 1952 Dodge FFPW.
The Fargo came from the North Bay area, and the 1952 Dodge FFPW came from around your backyard (Near Peterborough).
When i found it, there was no tailgate or emblems on it, so I didn't realize it was a Fargo until i started taking it apart and looking at the Tags on it.
I've been getting alot of my parts from out in/near Alberta, i have a friend who's a Dodge nut out there, and they've got all sorts of near-rust free parts available.
I found a Dodge Tailgate out in AB, and had it shipped over as i was going to rebuild it as a 'dodge' (since the Fargo tailgates are nearly impossible to find), but i recently found a pretty nice fargo tailgate, so i'm going to put it back together as a Fargo now.
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