Re: doesn't the utility assist

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Posted by David Sherman on Friday, June 26, 2009 at 11:29:15 :

In Reply to: doesn't the utility assist posted by mannyc on Friday, June 26, 2009 at 10:07:33 :

They will install up to a 300' service drop from the nearest transformer for free if if it has enough capacity, but beyond that, the customer has to pay for the equipment (poles, transformers, wire, etc). A lot of people are shocked to find out what it will cost them to get electricity at their little piece of rural paradise. They would charge me if I wanted anything changed, because the existing setup has been good enough for a long time. I did notice that the jail just down the alley has its own 3-pot wye bank, along with the same old 120/240 open delta setup that feeds everybody else out of that alley. The lineman said it was just because they wanted 208V lights. I guess the government can afford the best. More likely, the architect just assumed that normal modern power would be available and specified the fixtures accordingly, and since it was a government job, nobody went back to him and told him we don't have that kind of power here and it's going to cost extra to make it for you. I'm sure they could have run their lights on 120/240 single phase. If it turns out that the funky system I have causes me trouble, I will definitely talk to the utility about getting hooked up to the jail's transformer bank if it has some spare capacity, since it's within 300 feet.

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