Posted by Spence on Monday, June 22, 2009 at 21:14:25 :
A great milestone was reached today with the arrival of the July 2009 issue of the Power Wagon Advertiser. I cannot imagine how our dear friend and editor Gordon Maney has managed to keep this unique and wonderful little publication going for all of these twenty five years. I had always dreamed of someday seeing a full page color cover on our little magazine and today my dream came true. I say "our" because we are all part of it. Maybe we submitted an article, relate to an experience, or just plain like what we read in the distinctive brown pages that we anxiously await to arrive each month. Gordon shares his wit and wisdom and tells a good story and the contributions from subscribers make each issue interesting and informative.
The PWA has come a long way over the years. I have a copy of every issue except one that the post office lost. The early issues did not have many photos and there was some neat line drawings and cartoons. And then (trumpet fanfair sounds in the distance) there were PAGE NUMBERS!! Wow!, this was a big step forward!
Thank you Gordon for 25 years of dedication for keeping "our" publication going!
Todd Somers' AKA Spence
PWA Trivia Question: What model Dodge Power wagon was illustrated on the July 1984 front cover?
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