O T Holy Cow

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Posted by copey on Monday, June 22, 2009 at 13:37:55 :

my nbr and good friend rips of a arm off a piece of equipment in the field (about 2 tons )breaking 4 bolts that have a diameter of one inch and a quarter and the pivot for the arm is 6 inches big stuff > so i took out the brokren bolts by tapping them backwards no problem there the new bolts came in last night so he is at the door at 6 am >and ask if i put the arm back on >in my impatient nbrs eyes he sees this as a twenty minute deal ok > i say we need to make a speader bar for the arm 15 feet long and set the angel for the arm to go in straight > i needed some cribbing to hold the machince level as it was tipping foward with out the arm > he gets rocks i say no good he is now pissed he has to get some blocking > so we set the machine level and all is plumb just a matter now hook the arm at 15 degrees on the spreader bar up and in > the bolts are lose in the pivot so we can line up the arm looking real good but we have spent 3 hours to lift off > my nbr is vibrating now and his dad shows now > i said to his dad you should have beat a little more patience in that boy > now with all the trucks in the field the cattle have come over to the comotion and they are all around my impatient nbrs new truck > i told my buddy never mind the cows your on the loader just watch me carefully > i had to keep reminding my nbr forget the cows i just need one more inch just watch me OK > ok i get the inch i drive the 6 inch pin i am done > now here is the funny part after the pin is in my buddie throws a whomping big stick at a cow that is near the truck mirror well the cow throws a double boot after being hit with stick and boots in the passeneger door good > i left for home and my nbr was last seen chasing that cow ~ Copey

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