Posted by Marty on Thursday, June 18, 2009 at 00:01:47 :
In Reply to: Re: How many Hours??? posted by Paul (in NY) on Wednesday, June 17, 2009 at 23:28:14 :
I know exactly what you're saying about the PG...the W500 6BT was a real close fit & lots of head scratching.
Satisfying once you get it all done though.
I'm installing a 2ng gen 6bt in an 82 Crew Cab for Neil Block in SK & you'd think that would be easy right? I Did! Wrong...lots & lots of changes from fuel lines running down the wrong side of the truck to mechanical clutch needing to be switched over to hydraulic...try drilling the holes to mount the hydraulic master to the firewall! I had to buy an aviation angle drill & make drill bits to get into where I needed to drill!
The hours involved...sheesh..even the 82 I bet I have 300 hours in...although I've installed a Dana 80 with second gen springs & lots of other mods but it truley is labor intensive.
But of all people...I don't need to tell you that :)
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