Posted by jeff s on Wednesday, June 10, 2009 at 01:28:23 :
In Reply to: Re: generator brushes versus an alternator change out posted by David Sherman on Tuesday, June 09, 2009 at 11:00:22 :
That's all real accurate info Mr Sherman. My last resort was to use a motor shop we use to rewind big motors and generators, but NAPA came through well for me. Front & rear bearings plus brushes. Ordering a spare brush set while I have a line on it. I'll post the part #'s when I pick it tomorrow.. NAPA online got me close, but the guys in the local store dialed me in on the parts. It's good to know there are still some real parts houses around.
As far as cleaning the comm, I barely hit it with a brush seating stone and it looks like new. I had the woman woman spin it with a wheel mounted on a drill motor... piece of cake.