Posted by Alabama Al on October 02, 2000 at 20:45:17:
Hi guys, just finished a wild Sunday tracking an elusive 1948 PW in the wilderness back country of Alabama. We found it but the folks wouldn't sell it even after we pulled all the vines off if it and threw the gas tank back up on the bed. Those of you who live in Alabama, Georga, Tenn, N. Fla and Miss. would you be interested in starting a Mid South Vintage Power Wagon club. Perhaps start a newsletter, get guest articles, have a classified section for tucks and parts,and a rally/ picnic some time during the year? Thanks to all of you again for sending me advice and leads. Still no truck. Have cash- will spend. Not shy.
Not particular. 1946-68 with good body and PU bed, running hopefully and not thousands of miles away. Still considering some of those follow ups from Texas and Minn. Thanks again.