Posted by Winget on October 02, 2000 at 09:28:43:
In Reply to: Winch bumper posted by Dale on October 01, 2000 at 00:24:57:
I used a 100 ton press (Uncle had the machine shop)
But you have shops locally with them. You merely press the thing back into shape, use a mig welder to fill holes or repair tears, grind down the welds and your in business.
If you can weld, have the shop just straighten it.
It took about 20 minutes per side for mine to straighten, and they went bent nearly 90 degrees when I started. So far, I've pushed over several 6" trees and numerous cars out of the way with only touchup paint needed.
I bondo'd a thin layer in pits, etc to make them pretty.
While at it, straighten the brackets as well.
Regards WAW