Posted by Jack on March 16, 1998 at 14:31:12:
I am a proud ownere of a W100 PW and it is equipped with fulltime four wheel drive that consequently in this model year has a less than reputable wheelbearing design. I have had to change the driver's side bearings four times in five years. I finally obtained a used housing that had less wear than the original,however I have since then put larger tires 35in onto my truck that currently has a gear ratio of 3.55. The front axle is a 44fbj and the rear is a Chrysler 9 1/4". My problem is that I have a 413 engine that is now running at the low rpm range. At 70 mph I am running at 2500 rpm's. I was told that I could convert the present axles to a 4.9 on the front and a 4.10 at the rear. I have been told after researching the cost of parts that I would be looking at $250 used. I also was told to have an expert install them because there are tedeous gear mesh tolerances. I would like to know from someone of expeerience what should I do?... I am interested in performance and longevity over cost. Can anyone als suggest what year and style of axle I should resort to if that is the way to go? Thanks for your time!