Posted by Daryl in Oz on Tuesday, May 26, 2009 at 05:12:42 :
In Reply to: leaking wheel cylinder posted by Mark on Monday, May 25, 2009 at 20:07:12 :
Hose it all down with high pressure water - garden hose with as strong a jet as you can manage works OK. The water combines with the brake fluid and this gets rid of the sludge and starts to break down the fluid. Next hit the shoes good with the brake cleaner a couple times. After you get it all back together and the shoes adjusted correctly, I like to give it a run and keep a little pressure on the brake pedal for a few hundred yards. The heat dries things out and it helps center the shoes. A final adjustment and you're good to go. Oh yes, don't forget to dry all the bits properly after using water and brake cleaner, although a bit of surface rust inside the drum will soon be gone.