Posted by Paul (in NY) on Monday, May 25, 2009 at 13:54:08 :
In Reply to: Re:48 star flag 1912 to 1959 posted by MIKE STONE COTM JEROME,IDAHO on Monday, May 25, 2009 at 13:18:27 :
My father had a very close friend who was a Physicist on the Manhattan Project.
Critical parts for the Little Boy, Atomic Bomb were shipped on the USS Indianapolis, CA-35 to Tinian for final assembly into the actual bomb. A team of Physicists traveled on the Indianapolis to do/supervise final assembly in Tinian. My fathers friend was part of this team. The USS Indianapolis departed from San Francisco on July 16, 1945 and arrived at Tinian on July 26, 1945.
During that 10 day period different flags were flown on the USS Indianapolis. I do know that each person on the team received a flag, dont know about any other people receiving flags. When my fathers friend passed away, his wife gave the flag to my father. When my father passed away, I got it. It only flies on Memorial Day.....and only if the weather is to little wind. And never on a Flag Pole where a sudden wind gust could whip her around. She is a old flag, but in perfect condition. Someday this special flag will belong to my boys.
As a side note, 4 days after delivering the critical parts for Little Boy, the USS
Indianapolis was sunk by a Jap Sub on July 30, 1945. The sinking of the USS Indianapolis was the largest single loss of life in the US Navy.
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