Posted by Doc Dave on Monday, May 25, 2009 at 11:59:56 :
The first major battle in the American Revolution was the Battle of Brooklyn, in August 1776. In this battle, the British forces flanked General Washington's army and were encircling them, so that their backs were against the East River. It looked very likely they would be destroyed and the Revolution would end right there.
At the last minute, Washington sent in approximately 400 Maryland troops to hold off the British long enough so that he could try and get his army over to Manhattan to safety.
The Maryland troops went in, and were annihilated. Of the approximately 400 men, it is believed 256 were killed, and the others captured. Only 9 returned.
Most of the most savage fighting took place at the "Old Stone House" that is in the picture, in Brooklyn. Here, the fighting was largely hand to hand with the bayonet.
These men bought Washington time through their sacrifice so that he was able to complete his retreat, and fight again to eventually win our freedom 5 years later at Yorktown.
The Maryland 400 casualty rate likely exceeded any other American fighting unit in our history.
There is a monument to the Marylanders at the Old Stone House, and also in nearby Prospect Park in Brooklyn.
It is a shame that very few of the kids today are taught much about our founding fathers and the sacrifices they made. Instead they know the new "politically correct" history.
The sacrifices of all our service people from the Revolution forward are worthy of our respect and observance.