Hollister is Looking Good

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Posted by KenW on Friday, May 22, 2009 at 21:55:51 :

With the start of the 8th annual California Power Wagon Rally just one week away we have 88 people and 31 trucks registered so far.
More than the average number of first timers too. It's shaping up to be a real good rally.
The weather forcast is 78°-80° daytime, 55°-57°....perfect! If that nightime temp is too chilly, remember we provide the all the oak firewood you need.

Thank you to everyone and has registered, contributed and supported this event. We couldn't do it without you.

Ken Weza
Randy Baker
Joe Giraud
Steven Fowler
Jock MacLean
Syl Giraud
John Sorensen - (Caterer extraordinaire and mud pit challanger)

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