Distributor swap/questions

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Posted by rwrpw on Sunday, May 03, 2009 at 23:54:30 :

1) how crucial is run-out or shaft wear? current dist IAY-4002 has slight noticeable wear
2) have a IAY-4003 I purchased years ago which seems to have very little use, very tight shaft, etc. Problem is that it is slightly diff config and, among other things, notched so that the cap will fit differently (ie., plug wires will not be in same sequence w/ rotor as in old dist, so I am thinking I need to "adjust" my plug wires or find tdc on no. 1 and realign all my wires in correct firing order?
3) my current dist has the primary adjusting arm bolted down all the way to the max retard setting. Is this normal, or is normal to set about 1/2 way? (replacement had that arm bolted down at approx 1/2 way).
4) Breaker plates look the same; can I swap out my entire breaker plate from the old to new? Alternatively, can I pull points/condensor and primary wire insulator and install in new (it's guts are missing other than the breaker plate)
Hope I have expressed this clear enough to make sense.
Sincerely, RWRPW

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