Posted by Mr.PG on Wednesday, April 29, 2009 at 14:03:31 :
In Reply to: Re: makes me wonder.... posted by AAA on Wednesday, April 29, 2009 at 11:05:30 :
was very nervous on his wedding night,, and didn't know what to do?
So before leaving the wedding reception,, he talked to his Mom,, she told him if he had any ??'s Just do one thing, take the hardest thing you have any put it where she pee's!!
So they get to the motel room and he is VERY nervous,, his bride is in the bathroom getting ready,, and the Polish boy is still wondering what to do,, So he thinks of his mom's words..... and
He goes out to the the car gets his bowling ball from the trunk of the car and brings it into the room,, and throws it in the toilet!!