Posted by tiredbruce on Monday, April 27, 2009 at 09:52:20 :
In Reply to: O T helicopters and mining posted by copey on Monday, April 27, 2009 at 05:05:13 :
I work in the industry on a contract basis usually guiding or taking samples .
For every 1000 discoveries only one becomes a mine .
YES you can get some great information from the air , but it is only a start and it is expensive .
They are looking for changes in gravity or changes in the magnetic signature .
The standard pattern to survey from the air is to run the helicopter in a grid pattern a small plane can do the same thing .
Northern miner might give you an idea of what is possible .
A bit of digging around should give you an idea of who has the mineral rights . The rights do run out . Get a mining liscence and stake the property yourself .