Posted by Todd Wilson on Saturday, April 25, 2009 at 14:02:39 :
In Reply to: restoring lettering on knob faces posted by Doc Dave on Saturday, April 25, 2009 at 06:52:15 :
I would clean them up really good and then you could use a toothpick of a very small brush to repaint the words. If the words are stamped in to the knobs I wonder if an old trick we used to do as kids would work. We used to play Dungeons and Dragons back in the day. The game had several different sided dice. The #'s on the dice were hard to see but we would take a crayon and rub the area of the stamped # which would fill the stamped area and then wipe off the excess crayon and then you had dice with colored #'s on it. It worked slick and we never had any problems. Get some clear dice and custom color the #'s on it.
If you dont like the look after you are done you could just clean out the letters on your knobs and paint.
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