Posted by Jonas Smith on Saturday, April 18, 2009 at 13:47:32 :
In Reply to: A great big thankyou to Jonas Smith posted by carryallbruce on Friday, April 17, 2009 at 22:19:33 :
Boy, thanks for the nice comment. We try and go to Childrens Hospital and the Ronald McDonald house in Seattle for visits in the Fire Engine at least once a quarter if we can.
Making a sick child smile is enough thanks in and of itself.
The Firefighter Stairclimb event I did a couple years ago was to raise money for Leukemia and Lymphoma society in Kevin Donahoe's son Patricks name, and it was a great success because of all the Power Wagon folks who donated. We as a group (the power wagon people) raised over $4000!
So the real thanks should go to all of you who supported in one way or another by $ or even by words of encouragement. I just was afforded the opportunity to organize my little part in it.
Just remember to pay it forward a little every day.