Posted by Todd Wilson on Wednesday, April 15, 2009 at 15:20:13 :
In Reply to: Re: why do you refer to the Service Manager as DICKWEED? posted by MikeyStone, idaho on Wednesday, April 15, 2009 at 13:16:13 :
I call them dickweeds because they are dickweeds. Usually a new guy that hasnt worked there very long. Dressed in his nice pants and golf shirt. He is the mechanical expert as he types in your VIN 3 times because it gets it wrong each time he types it in. Then he offers his expert opinion on whats wrong. After you argue back and forth with the dickweed he calls a mechanic who then listens to your problem and confirms a problem and then he tells the dickweed what needs to be done in the computer. Order parts setup appointment.
The service department has not printed anything out like what I got for my 95 Ram on the 3 other new vehicles we have bought. It was a seperate deal.
All the service department had was a computer screen of the vehicle showing if its under warranty and a record of all service that has been done to the vehicle by a dealership.