Posted by Chriscase on Tuesday, April 14, 2009 at 20:52:21 :
In Reply to: Tire inflation video posted by Adam on Tuesday, April 14, 2009 at 16:30:25 :
I've know that tactic for 30 years, from taveling Baja. Tis case happened about 1990:
There was a camper, just back from Mexico. He had a cracked rim, and stopped in a welding shop in National City to get it repaired. The welder didn't dismount the tire,went ahead and welded on the rim. Pobably a spoker? Anyhow, it was the welder's last fatal mistake. The impact of the blast was felt as a thump to the chest by a friend of mine, a car sales man on a lot 1/4 mile away. I surmise that the welder didn't even remove the valve stem from a tire that had had it's bead re-seated down Baja way.
Anyhow, I learned it as just a few drops of gas, stand back, toss a match. The PPWOOF seats the bead. Continue to pump it up with a bicycle pump, all the mexicans carry them. I was concerned about any excess gas, with the air under pressure, going boom later, even without a welder whose time had come.
It won't work on split rims, being tube type. Not necessary either, tubes make the tire bead seat.