Posted by Bob in N. Ga. on Tuesday, March 31, 2009 at 22:50:39 :
In Reply to: OT: If you need any vise-grip pliers get em now! posted by Will (in IL) on Tuesday, March 31, 2009 at 22:18:11 :
This is highly symbolic of a coming national disaster. We have a Timken bearing plant in our little town. Non-union, skilled and dedicated workforce. The parent company, according to the news, built six plants in China in 07 and 08. Long-time employees are on indefinite layoff and remaining staff on staggered schedules.
We will pay the price one day for GOVERNMENT policies that drive profit driven companies to lower costs by leaving unless they seek some kind of taxpayer assistance--always with strings. Without a revolt, your children and grandchildren will never know the freedom we took for granted.
Read Gordon's "Tailgate" this month in the PW Advertiser.
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