Posted by copey on Tuesday, March 24, 2009 at 20:14:33 :
Back in 70 or 71 I was working for the government ,the department of highways . In this shop we fixed everything from bulldozers to pick up trucks and assorted specialty, equipment , it was a very diverse place . In the stall next to me a mechanic named Hieniken Ruoss a Dutch fellow ,who was very close to retiring . We called him Henry for short, well one day Henry has to change out a clutch in a good size grader > He pulled the motor a inline 6 - 71 Detroit re and re the clutch no problem . He had , assembled the grader and went to start it and had a no start . He primed it, time and time again ,infact he had cranked that engine over until he burnt the starter out . For one week he tried and tried to start it but never as much as a puff of smoke ! On day 6 of no grader for the road crew the superintendent and the garage foreman were at the grader trying one more time, before they floated it down to the dealer . So help me I just was walking by grader with some wheel bearings and I seen the flap was down on the emergency stop . I lifted the flap and the foreman hit the starter brrooom > I wasn’t grandstanding honest I just noticed the flap down ,flipped it open as I went by . No big deal ! Three weeks later I had a large weed sprayer with a 45 foot boom that was mounted on the back of a truck . The weed sprayer was in for a leaky high pressure hose .I took off that hose ,and only that hose off ,made a replacement installed it and went home .Funny things can happen, next day I went to test the boom out for leaks . I took the truck outside engaged the PTO to start the hydraulics the boom went wild then stalling the truck . I worked a week plus and was having no luck and no reference point to start . As luck would have the foreman was giving me a little heat that I had screwed up .Henry shows up in the “nick’ of time with a adjustable wrench in his hand . He reaches up the main valve body and switches two lines under the body and now he climbs aboard the sprayer deck and performs symphony movements with the boom . Bravo, Henry ,now I never switched any hose in the main valve body ,I just replace one leaky line ,one line off one new line on the same fittings . Not that I would like to think that Henry had stayed over time that night and switched the lines in valve body , but I really wonder sometimes ~ Copey
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