Posted by copey on Monday, March 02, 2009 at 19:13:45 :
I have this habit its not a bad one just a little awkward at times . On the farm I change my clothes quite often during the day , in the barn my overalls, in the shop my coveralls, and when cutting wood ,my chain saw pants and when I go to town I sometimes slip into a pair of clean jeans > So many times I have gone to town to get some thing and my wallet is some where else > Frustrating to say the least and a waste of time, heading back home for the wallet and its most embarrassing at the counter of a store > So to remedy the missing wallet I leave it in the glove box of the truck ,at least I know where it is and I am generally in the p w which use most often > Last night two young Nieghbors show up at supper ,they had been working hard all day….. and had been drinking hard all day > They were here just as we finished supper ,and were looking for something to eat > Now with my big crew at the table theres seldom a scrap so theres nothing for them to eat here > The Nbrs want to drive to town I said you guys are to far gone to drive but I will drive you to get some take out > So I say jump in the power wagon lets go , they say take our truck, I said I hate to drive any one else’s truck ,now they are insisting that we go in their truck > They start ranting about how slow the wagon is and it will take a week to get there so I give in ,we go in their truck > I had the urge to go to the power wagon for something ,but they distracted me in their rush to eat so I hopped in their truck off I drove to town > As we enter the town limits there is a spot check set up ,closing the entire road in to town > The police here call it the RIDE program >Reduce impaired drivers every where ,and it a very effective program ,and I said to my nbrs see you guys would be done right here right now >So now it my turn the officer asks me to open my window ,and shines a flash light in the truck > Now I am not to familiar with this truck it has about eight buttons on the arm rest for windows >I open a back window of the truck by mistake , not looking too good ! so I fumble around to find the switch to open the drivers window > The officer takes quick step back theres a blast booze from the cab, courtesy of my nbrs , he asks me to step out the truck , and for my protection sit in the back of the car “sure” for my protection > After he completes all the checks on the vehicle he is back in the car talking to me ,asking me if I had been drinking I told him the story why I was driving > He commends me for doing so BUT now he asks me for my driver license > Now my younger impaired nbrs are ranting and cat calling from the pick up , look who is bad now and singing bad boys, bad boys what you going to do,,, and when the officer isnt looking their mooning me from the backwindow of their truck > this isnt getting any better with all the hoopla from my cheering section > now I am doing the umm, ahhh, but ,thing but I have to tell him the wallet is at home in the power wagon > > The office looks at me and say s .contrary to ( 8 ) section (5 )paragraph (a ),of the high way traffic act > long story short this could be 200 bucks one way, out of me , so I am looking at this officer while he running checks on me and I read his name tag , I say is your first name Collin he says yes > Didn’t I sell you and your dad a horse about nine years ago < He said yes “and the first time I rode it bucked me off and I broke my arm in two places and still have two pins in that arm” >Whoops, ok that didn’t help , gee ! lets not go there again > So I am getting the third degree from this cop he is taking out the ticket book, my fans are now creating a big scene > Just a s the young cop starts the ticket another officer who has been on the force here for years pulls up in his cruiser to see why the spot check is slowed down he looks in the back see s me says that’s copey he dosen’t drink and he s got a license cut him loose wwwhhhhewwwwwwwww !
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