Posted by Paul (in NY) on Thursday, February 26, 2009 at 16:11:07 :
In Reply to: Paul. posted by Jerry in Idaho on Thursday, February 26, 2009 at 15:25:00 :
Line-X is a catalyzed product sprayed with special equipment. It cures very quickly and is ready to put in service by the time the masking is removed. They do recommend 24 hours before rolling 55 gallon drums of oil on it. Typical thickness sprayed is from .125" to .250" depending on the location. Its mainly a pickup bed liner, bed sides get .125" and bed floor gets .250". Line-x is not rubbery. Its a very hard and super durable finish. I find the Rhino Coat that I had shot on my M37 running boards more of a softer Rubbery finish and without the nice texture finish. should give you a lot more info.