Posted by David Sherman on Tuesday, February 17, 2009 at 13:13:12 :
In Reply to: And this is why I oppose.. posted by 48PW on Monday, February 16, 2009 at 18:35:46 :
I'm sure it happens, but I've yet to hear of anyone running into an elk. They may look sort of like moose but they have a WAY different attitude. They're skittish and always run away quickly unless people make pets out of them by feeding them. They run ACROSS the road rather than lengthwise on it, and they don't play chicken with cars. If you meet a moose on the road, it's likely to either stand its ground or trot down the road in the same direction you're going. I've followed them for half a mile before they decided to head into the bushes. Bull moose in rut will run head first into a parked car or truck just out of orneriness, maybe because they see their reflection in it and think it's a rival. Elk don't do that. Also, moose will stand their ground against dogs and kill them with a kick from their front feet if they're stupid enough to get within range, whereas elk will always run away.
I think it's kind of funny that people back east are upset about reintroducing elk, because out here it's the opposite thing -- reintroducing wolves that eat the elk -- that gets people's hackles up.