Posted by 68427vette on Monday, February 16, 2009 at 19:59:41 :
In Reply to: UGG Update posted by MoparNorm on Sunday, February 15, 2009 at 12:19:58 :
if you would like me to set up a non profit, organization, in the name of UGG, i can do this.
i just got the website, bought
i think i can get my brother(although he just had twins) to set up a website, with a few photos of him, his family, his truck, "the beast" and his story, with a paypal, link and the other address. i can make this a part of the OHIO VETERANS MUSEUM WEBSITE, that we are building, a fund set up for fallen restorers and there families in the hobbie, AND we will advertise this at EVERY EVENT WE ATTEND.
Its so unfortunate, and we are all crushed, i often talked, exchanged emails with him often,, always leaving the computer with a laugh,, i hope we can help his family.. and in the end if we could utimately help her, to get on her feet,, and if things go well set up a scholarship, and then continue the tradition of helping others and other families in the hobbie, in the future, who have misfortunes,, if there is anything i can do email me jeff chester
ps i sent out some emails to some heavy hitters in the chicago area,,
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