Posted by jeff s on Wednesday, February 11, 2009 at 09:43:10 :
In Reply to: Truck Cover posted by Bob Ibbotson on Sunday, February 08, 2009 at 15:42:19 :
I just had two covers made. One covers the cab, the other covers the bed. Just sent them back for a couple of quick mods. I marked the pockets for the mirrors on the front cover and notched the rear cover to drop below the frame on the front of the back cover. I should be getting back in a week or so.
I think the company's name was covercraft. I didn't have any luck on websites, and then found a real helpful ferd dealer my buddy told me about. I gave 'em pictures and diagrams with about 30 or 40 different measurements, and they did a pretty good job. They used a nice fabric called 'noah', has a 5 year warr. I have a 16x20 plastic tarp I throw over it when the rain comes, just to keep away unnecessary wear on it. The only thing you have to watch with a cover is the wind. It's not an issue for me.