Posted by copey on Wednesday, February 04, 2009 at 17:58:05 :
In Reply to: Re: Imagine you doing your own fire inspections? posted by David Sherman on Wednesday, February 04, 2009 at 17:33:10 :
when our provincial government was in a cash crunch 10 years ago , they took it upon thems selves to bail out of everything> They down loaded every thing to the lower level county level > and privatized everything no more goverment ambulances, police road maintance you name it they dumped it ,bridge repairs, roads, water , sewers, ways > this down loading was put too the county level which raised my taxes from 1400 a year to 3600 > for example our township paid 3,000,000 dollars for policing one year, to the same force we had for over 60 >years watch out guys when the(goverment) runs out of bullets they take yours Copey