Posted by daveS on Sunday, February 01, 2009 at 10:13:26 :
I was attempting to correct a fuel problem with my WC12 and broke the clamp that holds the oil bath air cleaner to the carburetor (fuel probem(s) are another story). I remembered that I had another oil bath air cleaner in the shed and dug it out. Of course it was very dirty, having lain around for last 18 years. After a thorough cleaning, it fit like a champ. This air filter had a side bolt for the support bracket that bolts to the engine, which the other didn't have. I figure my replacement was made for a truck and the other for a car. The bottom section of the replacement air cleaner is at least 25% bigger than the first.
My question is: why is the bottom section of the second air cleaner larger. By today's standards, there is enough room under the hood of most classic vehicles to crawl into and that the size of the air cleaner was not an issue.
Thanks for putting up with my rambling.
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