Posted by George Farrier on Friday, January 30, 2009 at 12:15:36 :
Many of you kind folks have asked about my models and if I will ever make them again. The short answer is yes. The long answer is I have to set up shop again and gear up for it. Hopefully there will be enough interest to put this old retired wood worker back to work again. Keeps me out of the pool halls and bars.
But I need some help. What I need is a photograph of the Dodge Power Wagon logos.
A straight on shot of Dodge and one of Power Wagon just as you see it on the truck. Please email it. I will take it from there.
Many thanks. I will be back in touch with you all about when I will be set up again. Probably by March 1st. I am starting from scratch. I will be setting up shop in my son's garaqe. The plan is to have some sample available for a couple of the Eastern Rallies. I won't make the Fairfield Rally but you folks out there will be able to order models. I also plan to set up a web site.
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