Posted by Andy T on September 15, 2000 at 21:04:29:
In Reply to: Re: You won't believe this @#&% posted by Pauline on September 15, 2000 at 02:03:21:
Pauline: Who was the last Republican to bring up a gun control bill. Democrats/liberals bring up and vote for anti-gun laws and bills because they know Democrats will vote for that with the mistaken notion that gun control laws will have an effect on violent crime. Whomever gets elected president next gets 3-4 supreme court nominations. If Gore gets in he will pack the court with anti-gun justices and the 2nd amendment will be history. Liberals are much better at legislating via judicial fiat than Republicans. It is painfully obvious that you get your understanding of what the NRA is and does from Dan Rather. As for your lack of support for the NRA if they weren't around you would not be able to own any guns. Look at Britian, Austrailia and California if you beleive it can't happen. That leaves me and 4 million other Americans to carry the water for you who are too good to join the NRA. That's okay because I will do it as long as I have the means. Furthermore, the NRA HAS endorsed MANY Democrats! James Brady is a vegetable. It is his wife, who is leading HCI. If you e-mail me your name and adress I will pay for your NRA membership for one year. I think what you see what they are truly all about you will feel differently. Regards, Andy Tierney