Posted by Shaking my head in bewilderment on September 14, 2000 at 19:15:38:
In Reply to: You won't believe this @#&% posted by (Well, OK, maybe you will) Brian in Oregon on September 14, 2000 at 03:46:14:
What are you going to do when it is your turn? How are you going to feel when you and your children are face down on the cold wet pavement, guns aimed at the backs of your head and your childrens head, because some idiot mistook the backfire from your WDX for a driveby shooting?
Don't think that hasn't happened? The above did happen (though it was an early 50's Chevy pickup, not a WDX).
Going further, how are you going to feel when someone decides that because you constantly have fellow PW enthusiasts over and are always working on vehicles that you must be running an auto theft ring and chop shop? So they call the cops. You front door is kicked in at 3AM while someone shouts POLICESEARCHWARRANT and masked men enter with submachineguns and drag you, your wife and children out into the snow, while they procede to ransack the house and garage, dump tools, scratch your trucks paint job, and destroy heirlooms. That has happened too.
Or maybe a scenario that some of you find hits closer to home. The soccermom down the road sees a hotrodder fly through the neighborhood. She assumes it is one of your buddies. For the safety of the children, she decides that you should not be allowed to build dangerous child-endangering hot rods. So she calls the zoning Gestapo. Next thing you know, you have 48 hours to get your WM300 off the property and get rid of all the spare parts you have, even though it wasn't visible from the street. But the ordinance doesn't allow for that. This has also happened.
Let's see how many of you who said to "lighten up" agree with the above or are going to be hypocrites because your ox is now being gored, instead of some guy who owns an ugly olive drab military truck instead of a nice shiny PW.