Posted by Jonas on September 07, 2000 at 23:59:16:
Have to make room in the garage before winter hits.... Heres a few things I am willing to sacrifice:
1) 1st series cab, completely sandblasted, then primered and sealed. It still needs a little work before the final paint should be put on. $350
2) 3/4 ton WC Radiator and grill assy $150
3) 3/4 ton caryall hood and right door $100 each
4) 1/2 ton command car frame and axles $350
5) 1 set of dualmatic hubs for 1/2 ton WC $150
6) 1 set M-37 fenders excelent shape $225 for both
any offers or trades considered, I need all the usual stuff: fenders, headlights,runningboards transmissions, PTO for a WDX PW and a bellhousing for a 318/np-435 (Hydraulic clutch) combo and the shift lever for a NP-435 or a NP-435 with dual PTO openings and PTO.