Posted by BILL on September 23, 2000 at 14:42:21:
I know issues other than PW's have come up and been discussed on this forum BUT,I feel it is becoming cluttered with post 71' PW stuff.Aren't there websites that cater to post 71'Power wagons? While many who own pre-71' PW's own post 71' vehicles and have diverse interest,it takes away from the "pre-71'" atmosphere many enjoy.Political discussions about laws that affect vehicle ownership freedom and property rights can be found in most vehicle forums and are not out of place here.This has just been my personal opinion without malice intended but could't all the later model truck talk that has nothing to do with pre-71' PW's be discussed elsewhere? i'm sure I'll get a lashing over my opinion but before this forum becomes a catch-all car talk site I felt like saying something. NO offense intended!