Posted by copey on Saturday, January 17, 2009 at 10:05:30 :
In Reply to: Re: engine break-in... posted by Vaughn on Saturday, January 17, 2009 at 09:33:30 :
Good advice but a little out dated that would would be great advice on a factory NEW engine in the 40s 50s 60s but i am of the opinion "not" in this case > a new engine is buillt to factory specs a rebuilt on the other hand is a series of new machinings and tolerrances such as how close the crank is to the inserts and the pistons, ring fit to cylinder wall all subject to the assembler and the machinists idea and measurements and then the final fitting of the parts > what i would be looking for when starting a rebuilt is the starting up . the majority of engine wear is in the fist few minutes the engine comes to life, a pressurizing system should be use to prime the oil systems fillimg the filters and gallerys with oil the engine should be cranked several times with out the coil wire hooked up ,to allow the cylinders walls to get a slash of oil so the walls are not dry <> the cam shaft before assembly should have a cam lube pre applied as well as soaking in oil the seals gears and chains if so used ,the oil pump should be primed with a soft grease like vaseline > The main focus when the engine is running shopuld be on oil pressure from a MASTER gauge and the temperature of the coolant > timing and carburator mixture should be set as if they are out of adjustment will harm the engine >then i would constantly check the bolt on accesorys to make sure they are 100% functional belts, hoses, oil lines,fuel lines then road test > i would check the dip stick often not for levels of oil in the crank but to look closly AT the oil it self for metalic particals signs of anti freeze and such this will be the biggest guide to the engins future > i would use detregent oil in a fresh engine chamge it often the first 6 months after just drive her ~ J
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