Posted by Keith in Washington on Saturday, December 27, 2008 at 20:23:55 :
I have been out of power several times over the last week. And have not been online. I have been busy. I drove to Reno and kidnapped the grand children and brought them home. The oldest son come in from Tokyo a week ago and the daughter on Christmas eve and the younger son and his wife yesterday.
We have had the coldest and most snow since 1950 they say. We got down to 5 degrees at the house and well over 3 feet of snow over the last two weeks. I do not remember such a long cold spell nor as much snow ever!!! We normally have 3 or 4" which will last a day or two at most. The ocean keeps us fairly warm here and a day in the 20's is very rare.
The picture is of the grand kids on a toboggan being towed by our two German Short Hair pointers. Wilson, the one with the boot has an injury and loose of muscle control in that leg and the boot protects his foot from being raw from dragging it. The other dog, Mokka is just 7 months old. Both are very sweet and lovable dogs, but they will let me know if your coming up the drive.
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