Posted by copey on Friday, November 28, 2008 at 17:15:07 :
Yesterday i recieved a notice that a parcel was at the post office in town , figuring it was another 8 pairs of knitted wool from my sister . I wasnt to excited to go , but the socks are warm . but the surprize element has worn out over the past twenty five years > Well it wasnt socks at all it was TWO years of Power Wagon Advertiser YEEEE HAWWWWW what a great gift , best I ever had !!! I have never seen the magazine before its awsome > A heart felt thanks to Gordon Maney and company this could not come at better time winter is upon us here and i will read every one slowly ,just like you would eat a piece of great cheese cake ,savoring every word as you would a bite of the cake > once again to my friends on this forum and I Gordon I thank you , I thank you ~ Copey