Put the Dodge to work

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Posted by Keith in Washington on Monday, November 24, 2008 at 15:02:04 :

I am reinsulating the ceiling of my garage. The part of the house above it was always soo cold. It had R11 and a few other problems.

Well I just backed the 51 ffPW up and loaded the sheetrock and insulation in the back and headed to the dump. I notice that the battery was on the weak side. On the way home I stopped at the local ice cream store to make my contribution to Thanksgiving dinner. A guy there knew exactly what the truck was and was all excited. I bought my ice cream and came back out. The battery decided not to crank over the engine. The guy was watching and saw that it would not start and offered to jump me then said whoops your 6 volts can I jump you with 12 volts. I said nope. I can just roll back and into the lot and get it started. Compression in reverse he said. Nope I said never will work that way. So I let it roll back and swung it around so the front was pointed down hill. I put it into 3rd and let it roll forward. I must have let it roll all of 5 feet and popped the clutch and down the road we went.

That truck starts so easy that way. I had to do it one more time on the way home. I later found that 2 cells were way down on water. Apparently the battery did not like the 6V battery maintainer I put on it. I put more water in it and put it on the charger and was fine in a couple of hours.

I need to keep an eye on that battery it is only a couple of years old but it seems to be failing. It does sit for long periods without being used which is not good for it.

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