Posted by MoparNorm on Sunday, November 09, 2008 at 18:52:58 :
In Reply to: Name evolution? posted by Drew M. on Sunday, November 09, 2008 at 17:41:19 :
"Wide block" was a misnomer that is untrue.
The A block (Poly) is the SAME block as the LA (Light A or wedge) with a few pounds taken off as a weight reduction measure.
The Poly "looked" wider because the heads were "square" and came out of the block at 90 degrees, the LA heads taper in toward the intake, but the blocks are the same width.
...and since the term "wideblock" was NEVER used when the Polys were current (because there wasn't the skinny head LA to compare it with) the Polys were indeed called Polys back in the day, but more commonly called an A engine, until Chrysler began calling the LA the "A" engine in their parts catalogs....= )
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