Posted by Will (in IL) on Thursday, November 06, 2008 at 22:14:34 :
In Reply to: Towing 2500 vs 3500 posted by Will (in IL) on Wednesday, November 05, 2008 at 23:44:01 :
I understand the tire load capacity, and the security of the duals for blow outs/flats, etc...
What I don't understand is the Maximum Towing Capacity of a DRW truck being lower than a SRW truck.
The 2006 Dodge Brochure has the Maximum towing capacity of a DRW truck at 350 pounds LESS than a SRW. I know it's not much, but less?
The trucks maximum payload rating is higher for the DRW truck, but only by 40 pounds.
It seems there is not a lot of capacity difference, but mostly a stability, and tire redundancy advantage?
The 08's maximum towing is equal for SRW and DRW, while the maximum payload is still the 40 delta.
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