Posted by D Sherman on Wednesday, November 05, 2008 at 01:02:39 :
In Reply to: Re: Well it's over posted by dave on Wednesday, November 05, 2008 at 00:23:38 :
There was a time when the Democrats were definitely the party that looked out for the working man, but sometime around 1970 they decided they didn't need farmers and union men any more and they started pandering to the urban liberals. Here's a direct quote from Sen Obama about what he hopes to do to the coal industry with his carbon tax:
"So if somebody wants to build a coal-powered plant, they can. It’s just that it will bankrupt them because they’re going to be charged a huge sum for all that greenhouse gas that’s being emitted"
You tell me how that helps the union working man. No plumbers and steamfitters will build that power plant. No coal miners will mine the coal. No engineers will drive the train to haul it. Nobody, union or not, will work in the factory that's not being powered by the electricity not being made the "coal-powered plant" that he so gleefully carbon-taxed out of existence. Meanwhile, China is in the middle of a long-term plan to build 50 new coal-fired power plants every year. You tell me where the jobs are going to go: to union men in America where we've decided we don't need any more electricity (or trucks) because it causes CO2? Or to dollar-a-day workers in China where they still believe in actually making things?
After FDR, the Democratic party had to work long and hard to lose the union vote and the farm vote. Lots of hard-working families grew up voting Democrat because their pa or their grandpa became a Democrat thanks to FDR. But then the Democrats started taking the union vote for granted, and talking up urban issues like women's lib, g.a.y. rights, gun control, welfare of all sorts, and the wackier fringes of environmentalism.
I don't hear anything from Obama that makes me think he knows anything about the lives of people who actually make and build things for a living. He's certainly never done anything like that, and I don't see how a guy who gloats about "bankrupting" anybody who wants to build a power plant can be a friend of the working man. He'd probably say he'll put you to work on a solar power plant or building hydrogen cars or something, but that stuff is all moonbeam fantasies and always will be.
I'm not saying McCain and the Republicans would do you better, but these days if you want Democrats to work for the good of the working man, you have to really hold their feet to fire. Otherwise they go off on all these urban liberal tangents that hurt the working man by imposing complicated and expensive regulations, making supplies too expensive, and forcing business to move as much work as possible out of the country.
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