That is your right.... but not voting does not help

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Posted by Eric B. on Tuesday, November 04, 2008 at 12:47:23 :

In Reply to: Re: Proud to say that I voted. posted by Todd Wilson on Tuesday, November 04, 2008 at 11:59:38 :

Even if you like one guy 1/1000th better then the other, you should vote for them.

The numbers of people who do not vote in this country sadden me greatly. Not voting at all means that there is a greater chance the guy you like 1/1000th less will win. If that happens you have nobody to blame but yourself, and others who thought like you.

Find just one issue you believe in, research the candidates positions, and go with the one you like better. No one candidate can be everything to all people.

Even if you just like the color of one guys shirt better then the other, maybe he will make you feel better wearing that color when you see him give a speech on TV, so vote for him.

Exercise your freedoms that others have fought to defend, VOTE!


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