Posted by John/Florida on Tuesday, October 21, 2008 at 08:53:32 :
My FFPW sat for 20+ years. I have finally put it back together {4 year project}. I put about 100 miles on it this past weekend and it ran fine as long as I kept the speed at about40-45 mph. When I pushed the truck to max speed allowing the govenor to limit the engine, I got a miss in the engine. I have put fuel filters before and after the fuel pump to keep any junk from entering the carb. I inspected the filter{glass} before the pump and it has a lot of yellow varnish particles in it. Of everything I've done to the truck- I didnt remove the fuel tank and lines to clean them. Questions: Could the use of two filters be limiting fuel flow at max throttle therefore causing the engine miss? Will all the varnish eventually be disolved and caught in the filters? The fuel pump is new as well as the carb. Ignition is electronic. I dont really want to drop the tank and lines right now since I've finally had the chance to drive the truck but if thats the only remedy then I'll do it. Thought maybe some fuel system cleaner might get rid of it. Thoughts?
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