Posted by Bill from El Paso on Wednesday, October 01, 2008 at 13:22:45 :
In Reply to: Noise Complaint... posted by Ken See on Wednesday, October 01, 2008 at 08:30:08 :
This is the never ending saga of people buying property near an airport or military base because it is cheap (Due to the location next to the base)and then complain about the noise. Or the ceasing of operations because some environmentalist saw what they thought to be an endangered species flying toward an area of military operations. They have friends in congress that talk about pulling out because all is lost or failed thus causing injury or death of American/Iraqi soldiers once the local Sheiks stop issueing information regarding the enemy because they are now afraid the US will leave so that the insurgents will return and kill their families. America has become numb and no longer understands or appreciates its greatness and freedoms and now only yearns for its next quick fix of entertainment. This all comes at the expense of the mightiest military force on this planet and everyone of them have VOLUNTEERED without regret to protect the freedoms and rights of the new MTV generation as well as the slowly dieing activist generation from the sixties. Lt.Col Rosensteel and Kevin Foust are absolutely correct and I couldn't have stated this any more elequantly than they did. Personally, I wish I had been there to pay my last respects to another one of my fallen comrads but unfortunately, I am once again currently deployed. God bless America!
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