Posted by Dave Horvath on Monday, September 15, 2008 at 23:25:33 :
We have 13-15 trucks and 25-30 people confirmed so far. Cabins are sold out Friday night, but still available Saturday night. Raffle donations are trickling in. Thanks so far to George Farrier and Dave Maher. Keep those dontions coming!
I just sent the T-shirt design to the printers. 30% of the T-shirts will feature a special limited edition design on the back (it's a secret).
Most importantly, we have lined up a great local old time & rock-a-billy duo, The Weedhawks, for Saturday night's entertainment. Check 'em out on MySpace. Some of their music is a little racy, but they have PG versions for the kids.
If you plan to come to the rally this year and want to eat meals or leave with a T-shirt, you need to email me or post a message here soon. There is a registration form on the "Events" page of this site. We'll ask for a head count in a few weeks. Thanks Joe!