Posted by Caleb Rubash on Sunday, September 07, 2008 at 11:35:36 :
In Reply to: My WC posted by Caleb Rubash on Sunday, September 07, 2008 at 01:42:55 :
I don't really know about the bumperettes, mine were oriented down even though it was a radia car, whether or not the farmer that cut it up changed then I do not know. I will be using the original differentials, they may not be up to the horsepower, but I am not going to abuse this truck....too much into it. About the only off roading will be around the farm back home and maybe a little at the ORV park near Manhattan. I considered a full restoration, but I really don't have the time/skill/money for that level and the body was all cut up and really chinsy welds destroyed quite a bit of sheet metal and some damage to the window frame and supports. I am going for a WC 21 configuration but adding a roll bar..mostly as an attachment point for seatbelts and as a support for a canvas top. Hopefully I can have it on the road by December.