Posted by Ed (LG,NY) on Tuesday, September 02, 2008 at 23:17:21 :
In Reply to: Will these fit the W500 posted by bustedbudget on Monday, September 01, 2008 at 22:47:40 :
I recently put a new set of boots on both my M35 and my '66 W500. Different Rockwell axles, but same boot fit both. I bought one set for $50 and the second set for $30, both sets bought on eBay. Putting them on can be a little tough if you're by yourself. Make sure the grooves in the cast iron axle are clean. I greased the zipper beforehand, and then zippered the boot up through the first bellows before attaching the inner wire collar clamp. I found it was an advantage to use a longer bolt and then cut the excess off after the wire collar was tightened. I used a pair of pliers on the zipper pull to complete the rest of the zippering up operation through the rest of the bellows, but it's mainly a lot of fooling around getting a few big zipper teeth lined up a little bit at a time. One last thing - do this project during warm weather. That heavy rubber is tough enough to work with, but near impossible when it's cold. Good luck.