Pressure Cap Revisited. (For Paul)

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Posted by Ugg, North of Chi-Town on Friday, August 08, 2008 at 12:07:38 :

Amidst the rebuilding of that WW II bayonet (successfully I may add), I had to make a trip to my local VA. I had planned on taking the Beast as there were a few items I needed to get for it, a pressure cap for the radiator being one of them.

Well, true to form, the Beast wouldn't stay running. It had been raining very heavily by Uggville, so I figured water in the tank or sumpthin got wet. I'd deal with it later.

When later came, this time it wouldn't even fire, let alone run. After checking under the hood, I discovered some more bad wires. Hell, the truck is 65 years old, & some of them wires are still original.

I replaced the wires & the Beast lives again. I also installed a tune player. Anywho, now to get a pressure cap, but a thought popped up.

All the pressure caps I remember have a lever (or button) on top, to release pressure. Paul had mentioned earlier about epoxying the old cap on to the new pressure cap to keep the original look, but Paul, hows that work if there's a lever or button???????????


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